Mood Ring

MR Sommelier Selection Indica

OCS Craft Cannabis

MR Sommelier Selection Indica. +27% THC. Rotating single strain. Large buds, white ash, high-terpene. Hang dried, hand packaged, nitrogen sealed.  Learn More

About This Product

In an endless quest to discover the finest flower, our cannabis sommelier meticulously evaluates and selects Canada's best cannabis to bring you MR Sommelier Selection Indica. With 20+ years of cannabis experience, our sommelier has mastered the art of pheno-hunting and evaluating premium cannabis. Their dedication to excellence ensures that this flower will appeal to even the most discerning cannabis consumers. With satisfaction in mind, we focus on four key criteria: Potency & Terpenes (minimum of 27% THC and a highly desirable olfactory indica profile); Visual Appeal (only the largest flower buds with perfect humidity – hand trimmed, portioned & packaged); Smokability (a clean burn leaving a white ash); Packaging (nitrogen sealed cans which ensure preservation of the cannabinoids, terpenes, humidity & aromas). Through extensive selection, testing and quality control processes Mood Ring ensures consumers experience what premium quality cannabis looks, smells and tastes like.
Licensed Producer
PurCann Pharma Inc.
Mood Ring
Very Strong
27.00 - 33.00%  |  270.00 - 330.00 mg/g
0.00 - 3.00%  |  0.00 - 30.00 mg/g
Plant Type
Indica Dominant
Beta-Caryophyllene, Linalool, Myrcene
Growing Province
Growing region
Grow method
Grow medium
Cocoa Fibre
Grow room lighting
Drying method
Hang Dry
Trimming method
Hand Trimmed

Category disclaimer: As a natural product, THC and CBD content in cannabis may vary among lots of the same strain. THC and CBD ranges shown on the product pages of are provided to OCS by federally licensed cannabis producers and may differ from ranges specified on product packaging from these same producers. Product information on our website including imagery, product descriptions, ingredient and nutritional information is provided by the licensed producer. This content is a summary for informational purposes only. Some product packaging elements may vary slightly from what is pictured on the product pages of In case of a discrepancy between a product’s packaging and, refer to the information on the product packaging. Some products may be shipped separately.


Where are the effects?

The use of cannabis products may result in specific effects for different consumers; however, there is limited scientific evidence to support these potential effects. Everybody reacts to cannabis differently, and one user’s reaction to different cannabis products may vary depending on strain, potency, consumption method and other variables. The only way to know how cannabis will affect you is to consume a small amount and note the effects. Always start low and go slow.


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