Cannabis Made Clear

Tolerance Breaks: What Are T-Breaks and Do They Work?

When it comes to cannabis, taking a tolerance break (also known as a T-break) is one way to reset your body’s response to THC and other cannabinoids. Here we look at the potential benefits of pausing your routine.

Last updated February 3, 2025 | Published on March 21, 2023
Calendar illustration days of Cannabis Use and Days of no Cannabis Use

Whether you think of it as a wellness experiment or a reset button, a tolerance break, or T-break, could help you resensitize your body’s response to cannabis. While hitting the brakes on cannabis might sound tough, the good news is that T-breaks are completely self-determined — you decide just how long to pause and how much to cut back. You don’t have to stop consuming cannabis completely and for all time to help reduce unwanted symptoms such as fatigue, forgetfulness and anxiety.

Think of a T-break as just that — a break. A pause in your cannabis routine is meant to restore your cannabinoid receptor sensitivity. If you find that you’re depending on cannabis products more than you’d like, or you want to reduce some unwanted effects, a T-break might help.

Read on to find out how to take a T-break, why it could be beneficial and what happens when you abstain from cannabis.

What is cannabis tolerance?

Medically speaking, tolerance is a reduced response to any substance, whether that’s tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a prescription drug or even caffeine. When you build up a tolerance, you’ll likely need more of a given substance to experience the same effects.

Cannabis tolerance typically occurs when you consume cannabis regularly and your body adapts to a continuous stream of cannabinoids. Not only can this result in your receptors becoming less sensitive, but a cannabis tolerance could also affect the functioning of the entire endocannabinoid system, which regulates your states of sleep, body temperature, hunger and memory.

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How does THC tolerance develop?

With frequent consumption, most people will develop a tolerance to cannabis over time. Tolerance has to do with a widespread network of bodily receptors called CB1 receptors, which are highly concentrated in the brain.

When consumers build up a tolerance to THC, it means CB1 receptors in the body have become desensitized. This often means the number of active receptors has been reduced, which is known as “downregulation.” Not only does downregulation affect the signalling efficiency of these receptors, but it also reduces the number of active CB1 receptors. Fewer receptors and slower signalling mean more cannabis is needed to achieve the same effect. With more cannabis comes increased downregulation, which then requires more cannabis — and on and on.

What are T-breaks?

A tolerance break, or T-break, is a pause in your cannabis routine intended to bring your body back into a state of sensitivity and restore cannabinoid receptor sensitivity. In other words, it can be a break to reset your cannabis tolerance.

A T-break may or may not mean cutting out cannabis completely, and the length of a T-break is self-determined. A cannabis T-break can be short or long, depending on your goals.

Do T-breaks work?

The research is still limited; however, some studies have found that taking a cannabis tolerance break is an effective way to restore cannabinoid receptors to their normal state. A human trial in 2012 and another study in 2016 showed that CB1 receptors reset after four weeks of abstinence from cannabis use. Experts now say most cognitive difficulties associated with long-term cannabis use, such as poor memory, attention, problem-solving and concentration, can generally dissipate after abstaining from cannabis for several days to a month.

What are the benefits of taking a T-break?

Frequent cannabis consumption can increase the risk of developing cannabis use disorder. Tolerance breaks may help reset your body and consumption patterns and help mitigate risk if you are concerned about your consumption or find that it is disrupting your day-to-day activities.

According to Health Canada, approximately one in 11 cannabis consumers develop cannabis use disorder. If cannabis is consumed daily, Health Canada notes the risk of cannabis use disorder for consumers is between 25% and 50%.

Other adverse effects of frequent, long-term cannabis consumption may also improve from a tolerance break, specifically:

  • impaired memory
  • poor concentration
  • inability to think and make decisions

Potential effects of taking a T-break

Most people need a period of adjustment when starting a tolerance break. You may experience some discomfort, with:

  • temporary changes to sleep and appetite
  • feelings of anxiety
  • irritability

The good news is withdrawal symptoms from cannabis are usually mild. That said, everyone is different. If going cold turkey is uncomfortable, then a step-down approach — that is, reducing your consumption over time — could be a better way to lead you into a full T-break.

How to start consuming cannabis again

If you return to consuming cannabis, start low, go slow and consider the effect cannabis may have once your body has reset its tolerance. Activities you were able to do with cannabis before you took a T-break may be riskier because of your renewed sensitivity to THC.

How to create a T-break schedule

Start planning your T-break by deciding when to stop consuming cannabis and for how long, and whether you’re completely omitting cannabis or taking a step-down approach. It may be a good idea to plan a tolerance break when not much is happening; for instance, when you don’t have to attend any family events or meet big work deadlines. Try to keep yourself busy, especially at the time(s) of day you typically consume cannabis.

Prepare for withdrawal, anxiety, sleep issues and boredom while on a tolerance break. A guide, such as the one found in the University of Vermont’s T-Break Guide, could help you plan and stay on track. A 2022 study found cannabis consumers aged 18 to 29 who used the university’s guide were more likely to complete a 21-day abstinence period than those who didn’t.

Tips for a successful T-break

Here are a few more suggestions to help you get started on a T-break and stick with it.

  • Remove all cannabis products and accessories from your home.
  • Ask friends or family to join you. There’s strength in numbers.
  • Avoid people who may not support you or may pressure you to consume.
  • Plan hobbies and activities to keep yourself occupied.
  • Establish good sleep hygiene (regular bedtime, no screens, wind-down ritual) to help you rest without cannabis.
  • Plan your meals so you don’t become overly tired and irritable.
  • Journal your reactions to notice any patterns, sensations or big feelings that come up.

If you are concerned about your or some else’s cannabis consumption, talk to your physician or another trusted healthcare provider. Free confidential help with addiction, mental health and cannabis consumption is also available in Ontario.

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