One World Cannabis

Supreme Indica Pre-Roll

A cannabis connoisseur's delight. This meticulously crafted pre-roll contains premium, hand-selected and blended indica flower, expertly ground and rolled into white filtered cones.  Learn More

About This Product

At the heart of the Indica Pre-roll lies a deep commitment to the art of cannabis cultivation and a dedication to delivering a product that truly stands out. Carefully selected varieties of cannabis flowers are expertly blended, creating a symphony of potency and entourage effects that make this pre-roll remarkable. It begins with a meticulous selection process, where only the finest indica strains find their way into our production. Each variety is chosen for its unique flavour profile, aroma, and cannabinoid content, ensuring a balanced and harmonious blend that maximizes the entourage effect. Our pre-rolls come in a pop-top resealable tube. We select craft cannabis flower inputs from reputable industry partners who use craft techniques. The buds used in our pre-rolls are hang dried, hand trimmed, and chosen for the way they look beautiful and smell fantastic. We use premium pre-roll white cones with a paper filter, and hand pack all of our products for consistency and quality.
Licensed Producer
716513 Alberta Ltd. d.b.a. One World Cannabis
One World Cannabis
Very Strong
25.00 - 31.00%  |  250.00 - 310.00 mg/g
0.00 - 3.00%  |  0.00 - 30.00 mg/g
Plant Type
Strain Name
Beta-Caryophyllene, Beta-Pinene, Limonene, Myrcene, Selinadienes
Growing Province
Growing region
Mount Albert
Grow method
Grow medium
Cocoa Fibre
Grow room lighting
Sun Assisted LED
Drying method
Hang Dry
Trimming method
Hand Trimmed

Category disclaimer: As a natural product, THC and CBD content in cannabis may vary among lots of the same strain. THC and CBD ranges shown on the product pages of are provided to OCS by federally licensed cannabis producers and may differ from ranges specified on product packaging from these same producers. Product information on our website including imagery, product descriptions, ingredient and nutritional information is provided by the licensed producer. This content is a summary for informational purposes only. Some product packaging elements may vary slightly from what is pictured on the product pages of In case of a discrepancy between a product’s packaging and, refer to the information on the product packaging. Some products may be shipped separately.


Where are the effects?

The use of cannabis products may result in specific effects for different consumers; however, there is limited scientific evidence to support these potential effects. Everybody reacts to cannabis differently, and one user’s reaction to different cannabis products may vary depending on strain, potency, consumption method and other variables. The only way to know how cannabis will affect you is to consume a small amount and note the effects. Always start low and go slow.


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