Freedom of Information

In Ontario, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) gives people the right to access information in the control and custody of the government and other public institutions. You can request access to your own personal information or to general information.  

If you want to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) access request under the Act, you need to submit a request in writing along with an initial $5 application fee.

The OCS is committed to transparency and openness. However, it is important to note that some information may not be disclosed through the FOI process. The Act requires that some types of information be withheld from disclosure if releasing it will result in harm to an individual, a group or an institution. The application of these exemptions prevents the OCS from releasing the following types of information in certain circumstances:  

  • someone else’s personal information;
  • proprietary or sensitive information provided to the OCS by third parties;
  • information about cabinet discussions, deliberations and decisions;
  • information that could endanger the safety or health of individuals;
  • information related to law enforcement;  
  • information that could prejudice intergovernmental relations or negatively impact the government’s financial well-being or ability to manage the economy; or,
  • information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege (legal advice).

In addition to exemptions, there are some types of information that are excluded from FIPPA, including some:

  • labour relations information;
  • research and teaching materials; and,
  • information that is not in the control or custody of the OCS.

For more information on the FOI process, please visit the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario’s website at You can also access our FOI FAQ by clicking here.

How to Make a Freedom of Information (FOI) Access Request

Requests for access to information held by the OCS must be made in writing. When requesting information, please provide specific details what you are seeking, including the timeframe you are interested in, the types of records you are looking for and any other relevant information. Please be as specific as possible.

To submit an access request you need to provide us with:

  1. A completed and signed FIPPA Request Form
  2. A cheque or money order for the initial $5.00 application fee made payable to the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation. Please do not send cash through the mail.

Please send your completed request form and $5.00 cheque or money order in Canadian funds to:

Privacy & FOI Office
Ontario Cannabis Store 
4100 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON M2P 2B5

FIPPA also allows institutions to charge additional fees for processing costs. For a detailed breakdown of applicable fees, please see our Fee Schedule for FOI Requests here.  

FIPPA requires that FOI access requests be answered within 30 calendar days. Under certain circumstances, the OCS may extend this time frame and will notify you in writing after your request is received if a time extension is required.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or an FOI request, you can contact us here or by calling 416-316-1732.