
Untested Illegal Cannabis is a Buzzkill

"Buzzkill," the OCS and AGCO’s educational dispensary, reminds consumers to “shop safe, shop legal”

October 17, 2024 (TORONTO) – To celebrate the sixth anniversary of cannabis legalization, the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) are unveiling "Buzzkill," a pop-up experience running from Oct 17th to 20th that mimics an illegal dispensary. Instead of selling illegal cannabis, Buzzkill delivers something far more important—critical consumer education.

The interactive event highlights the dangers of illegal cannabis and underscores the benefits of choosing tested, regulated options from Ontario’s legal market. This bold educational exhibit aims to drive home the message that shopping legal means shopping safe.

The four-day exhibit is part of a province-wide digital campaign focused on raising awareness among frequent cannabis consumers to the real health risks of illegal cannabis.

“This activation might make people a little uncomfortable with its directness and transparency,” says David Lobo, President & CEO, OCS. “But we need Ontarians to understand that they can’t trust the safety of illegal cannabis.”

“Ontario’s licensed cannabis retailers are held to the highest standards of safe and responsible product sale,” says Dr. Karin Schnarr, CEO and Registrar, AGCO. “When Ontarians see the Ontario Authorized Cannabis Retail seal, they can be confident they’re buying from a safe, responsible and legal retailer.”

Upon entering the immersive activation, visitors will quickly find that not everything is quite as it seems: Subtle hints reveal that this is not an AGCO-authorized cannabis retailer. Visitors can “shop” Buzzkill-branded educational products packaged with information on the health risks of illegal cannabis.

For example, the satirical beverage ‘Pesti Cider’ warns: "What gives this cannabis-infused cider its signature oomph? We like to think it’s love. But realistically, it’s probably our unregulated use of toxic pesticides. Don’t worry though, we’re like pretty sure it doesn’t have any long-term effects ..."

Unlike regulated cannabis, illegal cannabis is not tested for contaminants such as heavy metals, toxic levels of E. coli, Salmonella, mould, or illegal pesticides. Illegal edibles carry further risk due to inconsistent THC dosing, leaving consumers uncertain about potency.

Also, illegal cannabis products aren’t traceable through a Certificate of Analysis (COA) or Statement of Attestation (SOA). This traceability allows for product recalls and ensures the ongoing safety of the legal market. The only way for cannabis consumers to be certain about their products is to look for the Cannabis Retail Seal window sticker or symbol when shopping in stores or online.

The Stats

  • A recent study conducted by the National Research Council on behalf of the OCS and Ontario Provincial Police showed that 86% (19 out of 22) of the illegal cannabis samples tested contained multiple pesticides – in many cases at levels several hundred times above Health Canada’s limits.
  • In a recent survey conducted on behalf of the OCS, 62% of all Ontarians aged 19+ ranked “no quality control or assurance of product safety” as one of the top three downsides of illegal cannabis. Despite all this, 46% of cannabis consumers continue to buy from the illegal market, emphasizing the importance of consumer education.
  • A robust network of more than 1,700 authorized retailers across Ontario gives consumers access to a wide assortment of tested legal cannabis. However, there is still confusion around where illegal products are found:
    • 1 in 2 Ontarians believe illegal cannabis is primarily sold through “dealers,” creating an opening for illegal stores and websites to mislead consumers.
    • 2 in 3 Ontarians believe that if a cannabis store is open, it must be legal.

For the latest facts and figures about Ontario’s legal cannabis market, review the new Ontario Cannabis Marketplace: By the Numbers. The report includes sales data, average prices, top brands and more. For more information on why illegal cannabis is such a buzzkill, visit

Buzzkill Pop-up Info:

Dates: Oct 17th – 20th
Media event: Thursday, Oct 17, 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Location: 474 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON

The following spokespeople are available for interviews:

  • David Lobo, President and CEO, OCS
  • Alex Jalleau, Chief Customer Experience Officer, OCS
  • Bin Mathew, Director Quality & Regulatory Compliance, OCS
  • Jenna Valleriani, Senior Manager - Social Responsibility & Partnerships, OCS
  • Josh Stein, Chief Creative Officer, LG2
  • Krista Findlay, Group Director, LG2

Media Contact:

Event Logistics:

Shannon Stephaniuk

Matters related to OCS or the legal cannabis marketplace:

OCS Communications

About the OCS

The Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) operates the largest legal and centralized wholesale cannabis organization in the world. We provide Ontario adults aged 19 and older with safe access to tested and traceable recreational cannabis products. As a Crown agency solely owned by the Province of Ontario, the OCS is mandated to provide a competitive alternative to the illegal market, champion a socially responsible cannabis industry and return its profits to the people of Ontario. Our mission is to enable a vibrant cannabis marketplace through great customer experiences, rooted in selection, service and quality. For more information, visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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